2017年12月31日 星期日


很多同學不清楚未來的方向,為了幫助同學找到人生方向,今年辦非常多活動,邀請以下數十位學長姊與Mason GRE和SK2 TOEFL同學分享留學申請和海外工作心得。我們認識非常多學生和留學在外的學長姐,必須多加努力辦這類活動。在一年的尾聲,希望向各位撥空分享心得的學長姐說聲感謝。

👨‍🎓UCSD, PhD in Computer Science (同時錄取 UIUC w/ RA, UT-Austin w/ TA/RA, Purdue Fellowship, UMD w/ TA/RA, UC Irvine w/ RA, UMass-Amherst w/ RA)
👨‍🎓CMU-SV, MS in Software Engineering
👨‍🎓USC, MS in Computer Science
👩‍🎓Columbia MS CS (亦錄取CMU MRSD, NYU MS CS, UCI MS CS)
👨‍🎓UIUC CS PhD, 1-year RA (tuition & fee waiver, $2140 stipend per month)
👨‍🎓曾任職 SAP、Ericsson,現在於美國 Apple 擔任軟體工程師超過三年 (我建中同學)
👨‍🎓Dartmouth College Computer Science (我台大同學)

👨‍🎓UC Berkeley, PhD in Electronic Engineering (同時錄取MIT EECS PhD)
👩‍🎓Stanford, MS in Electronic Engineering
👨‍🎓UCLA, PhD in Electronic Engineering (上班族轉PhD)

👨‍🎓Harvard, Medical School, Biomedical Informatics MS (同時錄取 University of Washington, master of biomedical informatics and medical education, Stanford school of medicine, master of biomedical informatics, Harvard school of public health, health data science, Columbia, master of biomedical informatics)
👨‍🎓美國華盛頓大學 University of Washington, Laboratory Medicine, MS
👩‍🎓Rice University: Applied Bioengineering, Master of bioengineering (M.B.E)
👩‍🎓BioE PhD. 申請上了UCSD, University of Michigan還有UC Irvine,最後選擇UC Irvine

👩‍🎓同時錄取 University of Washington M.Ed., Harvard University M.Ed.
👩‍🎓Ohio State University, Special Education-Applied Behavioral Analysis MA
👩‍🎓同時錄取 Columbia, U Penn, NYU, University of Washington Seattle, University of British Columbia TESOL program

👨‍🎓CMU, HCI Institute, Masters of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science
👩‍🎓UCLA, Master of Architecture I
👩‍🎓U Michigan MSI (同時錄取UC Davis CS MS, USC CS(media) MS, Indiana MHCI+D MS, U Maryland HCIM)
講者4: University of Maryland, MS in Human-Computer Interaction (HCIM)
👩‍🎓UMich MSI, with $40,000 merit scholarship

👨‍🎓UC Berkeley ME碩班,分享他如何找到Tesla Gigafactory的工作
👩‍🎓同時錄取 MIT / CEE / Meng, UCB / CEE / MS, UIUC / CEE / MS, UCLA / CEE / MS, Purdue / CEE / MS
👩‍🎓同時錄取以下PhD program: UCLA CEE; Georgia Tech CEE; Rice CEE; UNC at Chapel Hill CEE; Columbia University ChemE
👩‍🎓UC Berkeley, MIMS (同時錄取 UW, Master of Information Management, UMich, MS in Information with 50% merit scholarship (~$40,000), GaTech, MS-HCI in Interactive Computing, Cornell, MPS in Information Science)
👨‍🎓CMU PhD in MLD (Machine Learning Department) (同時錄取UIUC UMICH USC)
👨‍🎓CMU Mechanical Engineering MS research-option

👩‍🎓曾為蘋果日報記者、台灣公關廣告公司經理的 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng,決心勇於追夢,到美國西北大學(Northwestern University)攻讀整合行銷傳播研究所(IMC)碩士學位。儘管畢業那年是2008年全球金融風暴,靠著持續不懈的努力和毅力,在美國矽谷找到理想工作,目前在舊金山擔任eBay全球產品長。

👨‍🎓Columbia SIPA, Master of International Affairs
👩‍🎓Columbia U., MA in Communication and Education (同時錄取以下學校的program: Boston U./Emerson College/ U.of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
👩‍🎓UCSD, Master of internaitonal affairs

👨‍🎓NYU, MSIS program(大學畢業後本來立志念MBA, 補了A2 GMAT ,累積四年商的工作經驗後,卻毅然轉戰CS。補了Mason GRE,回學校修過CS相關學分,全拿A。雖然沒有CS工作經驗,大學成績也普通,但最後依然申請上NYU MSIS)


今年的成功,要謝謝Ye Irving總軍師,訂定大策略好方向;謝謝班主任陳姿彣,領導統籌一切行政班務;謝謝Erica, Emma,;Joyce, 在行政上盡了一切心力;謝謝教學最專業用心的Kory ChenKuan-Heng Chu顧問,教學優質用心且對學生非常好;謝謝 SK2 TOEFL 丁大為YaYa HsuLiaRobertShowLi-Yi最強最用心托福團隊,舉辦留學申請分享會幫助同學;謝謝家人的支持鼓勵,將我拉拔至今;謝謝女朋友的體貼,我們2017年工作忙碌,真的感謝女朋友的體諒。



